Environmental News
Current and up-to-date environmental news from the UK and around the world. Covering a variety of topics such as climate science, technology and politics.
Environmentallysober.com aims to provide the nuance of all stakeholders involved in different news events in our pursuit to provide environmentalism with perspective.
This is important to us as we want to enable our readers to leave with all perspectives in mind. As the promotion and practical application of environmentally-centric policies. This is only possible if all avenues of social, environmental and economic consequences are considered during the application.
As the world of social media has grown into fruition the ideological push of dogmatic views has caused a blurring of priorities, in the pursuit of ideology over what matters.
Which is the equilibrium of societal needs of resources, a blooming environment and stable economics.
5 Hidden Environmental Impacts of Tourism in Bali
Introduction Bali, the tropical paradise that has captivated the hearts of millions of travellers, is not immune to the negative effects of tourism. While the island’s natural beauty and rich cultural heritage continue to attract visitors from all over the world, the rapid growth of tourism has brought with it a range of environmental challenges. […]
Climate Impact Labels: Innovative Solution To The Climate Crisis?
What are Climate Impact Labels? Climate Impact labels are the concept that food in shops should have High, Moderate and Low Carbon climate impact labels, stating the status of the foods and whether they are environmentally sustainable. A recent study from John Hopkins found tested how effective High and low climate impact labels on fast […]
Thought-Provoking Environmental Impacts of the Covid Pandemic
What is Covid 19? Covid 19, otherwise referred to as Corona Virus, is a novel virus that caused widespread panic around the globe. Four variants were considered to be of the largest concern. These are Identified as the Alpha, Beta, Delta and Omnicron Variants. Each of these had different rates of transmissibility and deadliness. What […]
Disposable Vapes – A Carcinogen Of The Planet
What are vapes/e-cigarettes? Vaping is the inhalation and exhalation of vapour, usually from an electronic device. Most of these devices contain nicotine and have a variety of different flavours to choose from. The original design of vapes was to reduce the use of cigarettes, however, it has gradually turned into the new modern-day cigarette. Vape […]
This Is How Electric Vehicles Will Revolutionise Transport.
Electric Vehicles (EVs) are becoming more popular, cheaper and practical to run as the years go by. EVs have previously been branded as impractical and aspirational due to the lack of infrastructure embedded in the UK. EVs rely on the use of charging points to operate. In contrast to petroleum and Fiedler fuelled cars whereby […]
Surprising Ways Microplastics Are Damaging Your Health
What Are Micro Plastics? Microplastics are tiny plastic shards or pieces that result from commercial product development and the breakdown of larger plastics. By the U.S National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) microplastics are any fragment of plastic less than 5mm in length. Consumption of Microplastics Researchers estimate that more than 8.3 billion tonnes of […]
What And Why You Need To Know About Sargassum
What is Sargassum? Sargassum is a brown seaweed with berry-like air bladders, you will see variations of the species distributed around the tropical oceans of the world Over the past 10 years, it has become a major issue in many popular coastal tourist destinations around the world as a result of excessive blooming seasons. This […]
Why Renewable Energy Sources Are The Future
What Are Renewable Energy Sources? Renewable energy is energy from natural sources that follow a cyclical model and can be reused or replenished quicker than they can be consumed. Read more for the advantages and disadvantages of there renewable energy sources mentioned in the article. Examples of Renewable Energy Solar Energy: Energy generated through the absorption […]
Shocking Growth in Plant-Based Meat Alternatives
Introduction In this article, I will put a personal twist on a common misconception of how the consumption of meat alternatives is contradictory and that if you do not want to eat meat why are you eating fake meat? The spike in demand for meat-free alternatives and plant-based options has grown abundantly. According to research […]